The GeoForm mobile app allows for data collection in the field, using tablets and smartphones. Forms are designed with content logic for any business requirement and are downloaded to mobile devices in the field. Completed forms are automatically uploaded to the platform in near real-time. The mobile app supports multimedia and can be used to collect photos, video clips, signatures, bar codes, points, lines and polygons in the field. Any of these can be included into a form, so that, for example, a report could require the user to take a geo-location, capture information about a feature at the location and take a photo of the feature.
The application supports the collection of various types of data such as:
- Text and numbers
- Photos
- Videos
- Sound clips
- Bar codes
- Points, lines and polygons
The application can be installed on any Android device that supports location services (i.e. GPS receiver). The application connects to the server via a WiFi or GSM network to:
- Authenticate a user
- Download layers and forms
- Upload completed forms
The off-line view function allows the user to download and manage maps and features on a mobile device, whilst not connected to a WiFi or GSM network. Detailed information about features on the map can be presented in graphical and tabular formats. This is useful when you need to access information on a map when in the field and not connected to a network. The application supports a user-friendly and easy to use synchronisation function, that allows the off-line data (maps and features) to be refreshed on the mobile device when back at the office, ensuring that off-line information is always up to date. The advanced off-line function provides the ability to edit and capture new data in the field in off-line mode. New features or changes to features are stored on the device until a network is available to upload the information to the server. The benefit of this function is that users can edit, update or capture new spatial features (such as points, lines and polygons) while off-line. Changes made are directly uploaded into the system without any time-consuming and costly post-processing by the GIS office.